When it comes to furnishing your hotel or venue, creating a unique and inviting ambience plays a large role in the overall success of your business. A captivating interior and attractive decor can leave a lasting impression on your patrons which is often what turns a first-time visitor into a regular, and a referrer to others.
One way to achieve this distinctive atmosphere is by incorporating refurbished furniture into your hospitality venue. Not only does this approach lend a sense of character and history to your establishment, but it also offers practical advantages.
Our Advice on Vintage Furniture For The Hallways and Walkways of Your Venue
The hallways and walkways of hotels and bars are prime locations for vintage furniture. They provide ample space that can be instantly enhanced with the addition of restored oak hallway furniture.
You can grace your hotel hallways with antique bookcases showcasing classic books and unique artefacts aimed at arousing curiosity in your guests. This can spark engaging conversations and elevate the overall ambience of your hotel.
Also, consider incorporating vintage console tables and restored storage chests into walkways and social spaces that provide enough space to do so.
These furniture pieces can provide a convenient place for guests to rest their belongings, for example placing their bag or phone whilst waiting in the lobby, or even serving as storage for essential items like cutlery and napkins.
With their distinct designs, vintage console tables and preloved storage chests perfectly marry form and function.