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Old Charm Magazine Rack

Old Charm Magazine Rack

Regular price £245.00
Regular price Sale price £245.00
Sale Sold

Doubling as both a side or lamp table and also a practical place to store newspapers, magazines or various documents, this beautifully crafted Old Charm magazine table will be a useful addition, as well as offering a great deal of style to any living room or conservatory.

The top could make an ideal place to store a variety of small but useful items, or simply be used as a functional table for a cup of tea and snacks. The space below offers storage for books or magazines. The beautifully carved linenfold features add quintessentially British styling and timeless vogue to this piece.

We have lovingly and meticulously restored this unit by removing, by hand, the older darker finish to reveal the natural wood underneath. We have then applied several spray coats of a clear lacquer to accentuate the intricate grain and patterning of the wood, as well as offering protection and durability for years to come. This piece of furniture is made of solid oak.

This Old Charm magazine rack is a delightful addition to any home, offering both functionality and a touch of classic style that will enrich any space.  


Width Depth Height
66 cm 35 cm 51 cm

Product SKU: FRA001

Viewing & Collection Location

You are welcome to view this item at the address below. Please call to let us know if you are planning to visit, so that we can make sure there is someone to meet you and that the item(s) you wish to see are readily accessible.

Restored Hope Farm Heage Lane Derby DE65 6LS 01283 260 501

This item is available to collect during normal business hours, from this location. To help everything go smoothly, please let us know ahead of time when you are planning to collect your furniture, so that we can make sure it's readily accessible for you.

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Shipping Cost

The cost of our standard delivery service for this item is £30 (shipping band 6). Item shipping costs are reduced when purchasing multiple items.

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