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Restored Oak Storage Box

Restored Oak Storage Box

Regular price £275.00
Regular price Sale price £275.00
Sale Sold

With its timeless character and unique design, this lovely oak storage box will make a great addition to any home.

The lid opens out to reveal a deep storage area perfect for storing away much-needed smaller items. When the lid is down, it makes the perfect place to display family photos or ornaments. The attractive linenfold carvings on the front and the sides just add to the overall appeal.

We have stripped the old finish by hand to reveal the natural wood underneath before applying a clear coat of lacquer to provide protection from daily use and accentuate the beauty of the oak grain. This box is made from a mixture of solid oak and oak veneer. The base is plywood.

Whatever is stored in this lovely storage box it is certain to become a much-appreciated addition to the home.


Width Depth Height
49 cm 34 cm 41 cm

Product SKU: OWP004

Viewing & Collection Location

This item is stored in one of our warehouse location, and is not generally accessible to the public; however it is possible to arrange viewing by appointment - please contact us on 0300 302 3002 or for more information about this.

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Shipping Cost

The cost of our standard delivery service for this item is £30 (shipping band 6). Item shipping costs are reduced when purchasing multiple items.

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